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9:04 PM, this is another meaningless post
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This is yet another meaningless post, i'm just feeling bored. :D Really really realllllly sleepy these 2 days. Slept v. late for the past 2 days. Slept in class. Even when i'm walking, i can actually "sleepwalk". My nightmare is finally over. Am glad. SS is a real terror, imma flung it! ANW, LIZA is A SELF-PROCLAIMED CHANNING TATUM GF! CHANNING TATUM'S MINE! OMGGGGGG! *on the verge of breaking down* !!!(@#*@# (was being emotional, lmao) FYI, for those who assumed that i FAKED my leg injuries, ITS NOT OKAYE, suckers! Stop coming up to me and say, eeyer, ACT INJURED AH. Trained very hard for dance, therefore no amount of injuries will bring me down (unless im crippled lol). I will bear the pain till NDP's over. Oh, and yes, MY BLOGSKIN IS GONNA CHANGE SOON CAUSE THIS BLOGSKIN IS PROBLEMATIC*another arising nightmare* ITS HARD TO FIND A NICE&BIG BLOGSKIN LIKE THE CURRENT ONE IM HAVING OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! MF! Random info: BRENDA TRIMMED HER EYEBROWS & NOW, SHE'S FKING CHIO (i swear!) Determination&perseverance will bring rewards. (personal belief&personal quote) With perseverance, even a crippled can walk.
10:34 PM, The SMEXs
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The smexiest wewman on *cough* earth? School was kinda fun today. Cause its FILMING AGAIN! Yes, i love this project so much. Lmao. After project, everybody is still in high spirits and thus......... it means MORE CAMWHORING & WACKY FACES. I don't give a shit to my unglam photos, its solely for your ENTERTAIN (yeah for once *yawn*) So, LAUGH ALL YOU WANT, HAHAHA(cause i find them fucking ridiculous &funny too). FREE LAUGHS HERE! Actors in the pictures below : ME, JESSY, KAI, JIARONG! *okay, the only formal picture here* SEE KAI'S HAIR. Zzzzz ALRIGHT, THAT'S IT! Lols, will try to post more of such pictures in future. I LOVE JESSY'S GEEKISH SPECS! GONNA WORK THIS SAT! YESSSARRRRRRRRRR! Labels: ily ihy imy iky(i kill you)
10:32 PM, J-pop Class Project
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday 27 July 08 Had loadsa fun today. Venue was kai's place. I'm the makeup artiste cum paparazzi for our class TLLM project. Kai's the organiser ( thou she's not obliged to do it but still ended up being the organiser THANKS!) Shannon S. is the camera man, Ben Ng dressed as L, Jiasi as Misa, SoonHui as Kira, the rest as models/props ppl/ script ppl/ asst director/ paparazzi. It was kinda chaotic in the beginning. Everyone in slacking mood. Never knew filming was sucha hectic job, only a short video and yet needed so much of preparation work, funds and manpower. Faced many many setbacks but well, i enjoyed it (VERY MUCH, esp KIMONO BOY AMIRUL ; pictures below) And, i'm pretty proud of myself, FOR HAVING TO PUT ON SUCH CRAZY MAKE UP ON AMIRUL(i swear this is my first time) and transform him into a pretty GEISHA+KIMONO BOY+TRANNY. BEFORE! AFTER! AMIRUL PIMPS ALL GEISHAS! LMAO. He's the smex. OWNS ALL TRANNIES. *twirls he she's blonde hair* *Its time to PARTEHH BABEY* Shannon S. (camera man) & Amirul. Hahaha. And......How could i post without having my own PICTURES on it. Shannon's awesome digicam, i screwed it with my SHANNON & I ARE WEARING THE SAME COLOR JACKET + TOP + SAME CUT SHORTS on that day, all coincidental.( great minds think alike, great people wear alike) ![]() And, here's a picture of class 3E2 on that day! i love my awesomely fabulous and sexy class + mates. ( im in-between jes and shannon s. , infront of louis the dog. ) &hearts 3E2 and dance; Labels: read his past posts and i guess the feeling's back again.
8:08 PM, Passion = Agony?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
If you're curious, i'm in black w. fbt shorts, short hair. Video taken TODAY :D Please do not mind all the background sound effects e.g, "WOOO~ AHH~" (sounds obscene i know LMAO) Here's the first take ( i walked out of it halfway thru LOL ) Didn't go to school today. Injured myself from ytd's dance, just so you know. My neck is very stiff and so mum brought me all the way to boon keng ( to punggol ) to seek help. Lol, the CHINA SENSEI *tada~ * I tell you, TUI NA is like FUCKING PAINFUL, and rather than expressing my pain by SCREAMING, i laughed to express the pain (what the hell's wrong with me). Nothing much, i love dance & bla. :D Till then, Tata!
8:22 PM, Quiz time, ok annoying =_=
Monday, July 21, 2008
Omg, i think THESE GUYS ARE COOL! Band: D (i think?). Chio guys = <3>Got tagged by kai, QUITE LONG AGO. Lols. So here it is bitch. :D Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own.Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names &/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And Have Fun With It!!! AND TAG 5 PEOPLE TO DO THIS Nama saya: KRYSTAL LEE M*** Z** (i will never disclose my CHINESE NAME HERE *SMILES WIDELY* 1) 4 LETTER WORD: K.N.N.B, LMAO. Ok serious, *thinking very hard* KISS! 2) BOY NAME: Keith 3) GIRL NAME: Kelis 4) OCCUPATION: Killer 5) A COLOR: Khaki LOL! Copied kai's ans cause i cant think of anything now. 6) SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Kloth (clothe LMAO) 7) BEVERAGE: sunKist. 8) FOOD: Krab. 9) SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: Kockcroach. 10) A PLACE: KITCHEN (copied kai's) 11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: Killed an ant. 12) SOMETHING YOU SHOUT: Kiss my foot. --ppl who HAVE to do this-- 1) My mother (busy keeping a free mind [inside joke] ) 2) YOUR mother 3) HER mother 4) HIS mother 5) Ah gua's mother. ----------------------------------------- Er, though kai never tag me to do this but I STOLE THIS FROM KAI *nyahaha* Answer the following questions: 1. The person who last tag you is: Louis the dog. 2. Your relationship with him/her is: Slave& MISTRESS!. JOKING LMAO, FRIENDS? 3. Your five impression of him/her: - Very small eyes - Runs like a penguin - Love to say : "YOU TRYING ACT CUTE?" - Taller than me by 1CM ONLY!!! - He's gay. 4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: nothing? he's plain lazy. 5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you: dog. 6.If he/she become your lover, you will: Order him around like a real dog. HAHAHAHA! 7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: Hmm, i can see his future, A SLAVE. Attend slave courses and be a better slave/servant :D 8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: MAKE HIS LIFE HELL. 9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be: I fired him cause he's a lousy slave. 10. The most desire thing you want him/her to do for you now is: Lick my shoe's sole. 11. Your overall impression of him/her is: Act cute ;D 12. How you think people around you will feel about you?: LOVE ME, not =_= 13. The characters you love of yourself are: Chiller. Relaxed. Not over-emotional. 14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are: Too chill, too relaxed, too not emotional. 15. The most ideal person you want to be is: YOUR MOTHER! So i can boss you around LMAO. 16. For people that care and like you, say something to them: OMFG, I LOVE YOU LIKE GOD KNOWS WHAT! *SMOOCHES* 1)Wan Ying 2)Jeslynn 3)Jiarong 4)Brenda 5)LOUIS HO 6)Griffin? If he ever reads my blog. 7)Jiayuan 8)Silvana (she closed her blog : ( ) 9)Billy 10)Practically, anybody who wants to do this(: Tata. Im BUSY like a BUMBLE BEE. BYE!
11:25 AM, NDP dance
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hoho, did you miss me? I know you did. Hahaha. *random much?* Anyways, dog has been bothering me to blog so here it is. (that assdog keep saying my blog is dead, throw it away lar =_=, ass right?) School life is really tiring and HECTIC man. 6 tests coming up next week. Geh siao right? 6tests inclusive of the alternative weekly FOCUS TEST (dont you just"love" focus tests ... ) But well, be glad cause i sacrificed my STUDY time to BLOG or rather i'm gonna RANT alot in this post. Firstly, I'M ELATED! *jumps for joy* cause i'm selected for the NDP dance item. Secondly, i'm GLAD! cause kai got chosen for the dance too! *yayyyyyyyy~ can sabo her for alot of things, nyahaha* Okay, i'm gonna rant about many things starting from...NOW*dont blink your eyes!*
now you know why singaporeans love to complain :D cause im a typicalsingaporean too XD! --------------------------------------End of my rant (: -------------------------------------- Here's my convo with dog. That ass, forever so evil.
Hmm, i doubt i'll be blogging next week since its a busy busy week for me. But hopefully, there will be photos for mehhhhhh to update so it wont be another boring and wordy post =D I know you dont like wordy posts, neither do i ;D Heh heh. Adious! For all dancers: our dance song title is rock the beat. Msn me for the song. Labels: dance, rock the beat
8:32 PM, I want a sheesha & it's YOUTH DAY ytd (seriously, who cares)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
It was youth day yesterday, okaye ya who cares. Youth day is only but a day where all youths gets an excuse to go out ( agree? i know what you fellows are thinking okaye! hahaha ). Met up with 2 chiobus. Brenda & Gina. Head down to bugis and it was relatively quiet...Woah. Maybe cause we got there pretty early. Shops were not opened yet cept for few. Walked around, waiting for the stupid hair wig shop to open so that gina could get her lovely hair extensions. LOL. 1 pai(in chinese, dono how to say in EL LOL) of hair is $20 lor! So ex. But the texture damn smooth. Okaye i shld consider getting it for myself when i have long hair, that is. =X Anyways, I SAW A GROUP OF GUYS 'SUCKING' SHEESHA? WTF, DAMN CHIO DAMN FUCKING CHIO LAR. I WANT! Then i stared at one the of guys that was 'sucking' sheesha weird, and they all turned to look at me ( i know they wanna act cool, obviously. i'm the pro, i can deduce this from their eye contact! nyahaha) Oh and yeah, when there's gina + brenda, what do you get? ALOT OF CAMWHORING of course! Ai ya, they took alot of pictures cept for myself. I don't really know how to pose for pictures, so there goes my flooding of other ppl's faces rather than mine. =D Camwhore pic 1. Camwhore 2. Gina look like HK star (personal opinion). Once a ah lian, always a ah lian. Gina,still dare say limbu(ME) ah lian? Okaye, sorry for this random post. I didn't have the urge to post as i was very lam nua (lazy). Therefore, i apologise for the late post. Heehee. The photos are abit messed up. Didnt keep track of time and date. SOOOOOOORRY.Some random pics i took when i went for Comic Convention at Suntec last last sun? Brenda zi lian pic 2 Brenda zi lian pic 3. (still got more but im not gonna post them here ;D ) Ben ( his new hair O_O ) Lmao, meant to di siao him. Whooops. Last but not least, OF COURSE, LAO NIANG'S PHOTO MUST BE HERE RIGHT. Hellhole, back to school & school's sucha bore. Urgh! If you're curious why i'm suddenly blogging, thanks to my slave dog(you know who) for his continuous whining and barking. Labels: camwhores, sheesha, youth day |