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7:49 PM, Farasha's Birthday!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Vanilla sky - Umbrella THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HANDSOME LAR CAN. Lol, i think im falling in love with the drummer & guitarist >_< GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ( okaye im going crazy, just lemme go crazy this once LOL)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, ELLA ELLLA ELLLA~ ROFL. Although its kinda gay but who cares. Hahaha.
& i was doing this > =P cept that my tongue wasnt going to the side. Pictures were taken during farasha's birthday party(superrr grand lar) yesterday. Farasha's mom is so HOT. FARASHA IS SO GORGEOUS, here's a pic of her yesterday.
10:31 PM, Farasha's Birthday!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Since there isn't enough space for me to contain all the 20++ pictures in the previous post. im gonna post them here. Arrived at farasha's party & at first, me and kai didn't dare to walk in cause we thought i was some malay wedding and we got the wrong location. Then we spotted amirul&friends, and confirmed that we're not at the wrong place, cause its SO GRAND. LOL. While waiting for the birthday girl, took some pictures. Eat while waiting......... Still waiting ............ WHERES THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!? Khoiri, the very shy shy but crazy abit guy. Birthday Girl is nowhere in sight, so continued camwhore-ing...... Amira, Mimi, Ika *Say cheeese! * * Amirul: LOOK AT MY FACE YAW. I'M DEAD BORED!!!!* Chilling~ *hey adli, you stupid lalat, can't stop acting cool ey?* Hahaha, he loves my shades. After the long wait, TADA, OUR BIRTHDAY GIRL IS HERE, FARASHA~ The "CAKE in muffin state" was really exquisite. It looks so niceeeeee. But er, taste.. *ahem* LOL. It was nice but very lemak. So after food, farasha's mother had some games all planned out for us. There's gifts (very very large presents prepared for us) for every winner of the game. First game was Passing Game, so we're supposed to pass the box around till the music stops. The lucky few people - Khoiri, rasyad, me, haris and I donno who. Second game - Freeze game, whoever moves when the music stops will be eliminated. So the last 2 winners were - Rasyad and i cant rmb who. *STUPID LAR, RASYAD GETS SOMETHING FOR EVERY GAME* Last game - Dress up the guys game. 5 person in 1 group. 3 groups only. So, me, smitha, warda, girl in pink *i cant rmb her name* & 1 more I also dono who is in rasyad's group. So we had to run forward to where all the clothes are placed and find matching clothes for them. Holy shit, we got rasyad the wrong attire ROFL. The hair wig was crazy, the clothes were in like i don't know, ROJAK? LOL LA. The one in yelllow - RasyadThe one in blue behind - Haris RASYAD WAS VERY PARANOID,as you can see. Another blurry shot. Cute lar this macik. Still messing around at the playground. I think she has no childhood. LOL. I shall end here. Conclusion: FARASHA IS SO PRETTTY LA. & her birthday party is reallly really fun fun fun fun fun fun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes, you're so with me, but other times, you just seem like you forgot me. You're just so contradicting.
9:54 PM,
Friday, March 28, 2008
Smooth criminal by michael jackson. You really gotta look at the way he dance. Like ZOMG !!!!! >_< Thriller by michael jackson. Lol, look at the corpse dance. FUNNNY FUNNY~
8:19 PM,
PHYSICS IS SERIOUSLY TOO NUMBER-Y. ITS KILLING ME. IMMA HATE IT , HATE HATE HATE IT. Despite all those memorising, none of the questions MAKE SENSE CAN?! (applies only to me i guess.) STILL, PHYSICS SUCK. Chemistry was easy. Quite. LOL. How i love mdm tan who's the setter of our chemistry focused tests. & yeah, after dance just now, THE PAIN IS KILLING ME, backache is worsening. Plus new injuries from trying out breakdance moves that ben taught me. Man, his handstand and headstand is just crazy okaye. Heard that he's gonna train and go for bboying competitions in future. Cool, i would like to see our local bboy-ers. Of course, they can't match up to da niggas(nigerian). Seems like singapore don't produce much dance talents. Everybody is just academic minded. Come to think of it, what a boring country we have........ ~_~ It's farahsha's birthday party tomorrow. I still can't find anything yellow that we're supposed to wearrrrrrrrr. >_< WHY YELLOW~~~~~ I HAVE NOTHING THAT'S YELLOW TO WEAR. LAWL. But anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARAHSHA, THE GORGEOUS, PRETTAYE, SEXY GIRL<3 Gonna buck up for studies. Promised myself, NO MORE SLACKING.
9:50 PM, Laugh out loud.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Some jokes that silvana sent me. Enjoy (: Wife: I wish I was a newspaper so I would be in ur hands allday. Husband: I too wish that u were a newspapers so I could have a new one everyday. A man was dying of cancer. His son asked him: dad why do you keep on telling everyone that your dying of AIDS. He replied: “So that when i die no 1 will touch ur mom” Maths teacher asked JOHNY “If u have 12 chocalate and u give 5 to DONA, 3 to ALICE and 4 to ROMA then wat will u get ? JOHNY replied ” Sir! 3 new girl friends”. Teacher says to student, In Algebra A=B & B=C. It means A=C. Now give relevent example. Student: Sir, I love you & You love your daughter, It means that I love your daughter. A very old lady teacher of English ask this question with the class: When I say “I am beautiful”, which tense is it? One pupil anwered: Its the past tense of course. Sardar was busy removing a wheel from his auto. A man asks sardar why are you removing a wheel from your auto. sardar : Cant you read the board. Parking is only for 2 wheeler Teacher told all students in a class to write an essayon a cricket match. All were busy writing except one Sardarji. He wrote, No match, due to rain!!! Ladies hostel caught Fire It took 1 hour to bring the Fire under control& another 3 hrs 2 bring the Firemen under control. Man : How old is your father? Boy : As old as me. Man : How can that be? Boy : He became a father only when I was born A girl & boy were sitting alone,that boy started touching de girl, Girl : dont touch me, all this only after marriage. Boy : ok call me when u r married. Sardarji is not sleeping with his wife! these days. Guess why? Because somebody had told him thatit is wrong to sleep with married women.
8:25 PM, Lost pieces of me
School was boring today, as usual. But, P.E was fun. The best P.E lesson so far. As usual, mr so made us run as our warm up. After 2 rounds of running, inclines. Hmm, didn't put in any effort to do, so didn't give much of a dam. Now lemme skip all the boring stuff and tell ya what's interesting and fun bout today's P.E lesson. We TRIED TO CLIMB OVER THE WALL(army standard i suppose?). There's this fabby "great wall" that's built in the fitness corner where all of us were. So kai and me decided to climb that wall since we were lingering around that area. Lol, after our 3rd attempt, we start to discover that we got our skins "peeled". You can say we're rowdy ~_~ i dont really care, cause the other girls were either chatting away, doing nothing, playing the swing or maybe watching the other classes play? Lol, but isn't this what kampong kids do. Though we're not kampong kids, but still, HAVE FUN WHILE WE CAN YEAH~ Hahaha. Then Kai went," By the end of all our attempts, the wall will turn red, filled with our blood. And, we still won't be able to climb that WALL!!! " Hahaha, KAI is so cute. Now, i wish every P.E lesson was like this. After our attempts, ben saw, came over, climbed that wall and all it takes was like...A JUMP? While, me and kai were struggling. I so could've climbed that wall if there was no dance YESTERDAY cause i was half dead when we were climbing that stupid wall. Subsequently, our class's MINI TAIWAN(the bunch of boys that speaks CHINESE and chinese ONLY) came over and yeah, they showed off how they could own that wall with like a jump and a push? And that shannon sim, whom i call, SEXY LEG HAIR(cause he have ALOT OF LEG HAIR) was mocking at us cause after our numerous attempts we couldn't climb up. Well, WE WILL BE ABLE TO CLIMB THAT WALL, hopefully. Then here comes JUNHUI the very strong&muscular guy. He was nice and all, he helped kai climb over the wall. I helped TOO! XDXDXD Now, i want my kiss, Kai, for helping you, ROFL. It's weird why junhui don't have a girlfriend, i mean, he's sucha nice guy afterall. But back to point, after wall climbing, went to try out the monkey bars. Damn, by that time im soooo worn out i can't do monkey swings like kai anymore. Kai, the MUNKEH. Jes didn't come to school today. WE MISS YAW! Btw, we had our seats changed. Seating arrangement as well. ^_^ Hopefully, ms straaten will not change our seats anymore, I WANNA STAY AT MY CURRENT POSITION. Well, after P.E, everything was boring and dull. So i shall not talk bout it, lessons as usual. No bio, the clone of Sean Kingston came in. That's all. I WANT EVERY P.E LESSON TO BE LIKE TODAY. Now, i must really say, how i love my crazy and wacky classmates, although they can really get soooo on my nerves some times. =D Ouh ya, there'll be dance classes everyday starting next week. YAY!~!~!!!!~~~~ I guess it'll be tiring but who cares yaw. As long as there's a will, there's a way and nothing's impossible (lol, fyi, i'm listening to impossible by bayje as i write nothing's impossible).
11:07 PM, Dance
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Pictures were taken after dance class; I think dance is becoming my passion. Dancing is when i can really express myself totally. I feel proud being a dancer, and after watching step up 2, it has brought me much inspiration to becoming a dancer in future. I know all this takes alot of effort, and dancing depends on your potential. Well, dancing should be my hobby. But it can also be an alternative for me in future, not a bad idea either huh. =D I know it takes alot to become a good dancer. I'm trying to build up my basics from here, and hopefully be able to apply it in future. After dance class today, since ms kay didn't come. Once again, we "rawked" dance room. Awwh Ben, sorry for not telling you that dance room was free for our use today. Lol, i know that he has been wanting to show off his breakdancing moves badly. C'mon yaw, i'm trying real hard to learn all the moves. But one thing for sure, i'll never be able to do a headspin. LOL >_< Oh yeah, checked up on Studio Wu, found out that ms jennifer(ex dance instructor for only dono how many days) graduated from LASELLE and is now teaching at Studio Wu full time. She's hawt. Real hawt. Dance, My passion, My life
5:27 PM, A story learnt;
Monday, March 24, 2008
Olivia inspi' REIRA(trapnest) - A little pain I SEE TAKUMI(the guy with long hair) a.k.a HACHIKO'S HUSBAND(in NANA, not real life) Anime TAKUMI looks wayyyyyyyyyyy more handsome than real life TAKUMI =.= Ohmigosh, i didn't know the singer for A LITTLE PAIN WAS CAUCASIAN + JAP. I was bored, so i decided to watch and read NANA again (manga 72 chapters, anime 49episodes) and decided to go look at the acted out version. Surprisingly, ANNA looks kinda like NANA and olivia looks like REIRA in the anime. GYAAHHH, they're all so preeeeeety ~ Anyways, today in class *based on what i can rmb*, amalina&sharon fought over chris brown. SHARON: I'm SHARON BROWN! cause chris brown's my BOYFRIEND! AMALINA: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ CHRIS BROWN'S MINE! Me: STOP~! NEITHER OF YOU IS HIS GF, CAUSE HE DIDN'T SAY SO! SHARON: NO, HE SAID SHARON IS MY GF, HE EVEN SANG "WITH ME" for ME!!!! Lols, interesting classmates i have? Little things like that keeps the day going for me i guess. Somewhat, little things like that adds colour to my school days. Making it more vibrant i suppose. ^_^ Here, i found this on my best pal's blog, and find it kinda entertaining so i decided to put it on my blog. :D A store that sells husbands has just opened where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men…The store is composed of 6 floors, and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flights.There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building. So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband.On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs.The woman reads the sign and says to herself, "Well, that's better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what's further up?"So up she goes. The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids.The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?" And up she goes again. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking."Hmmm, better" she says. "But I wonder what's upstairs?" The fourth floor sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework."Wow!" exclaims the woman, "very tempting. BUT, there must be more further up!" And again she heads up another flight. The fifth floor sign reads: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak."Oh, mercy me! But just think… what must be awaiting me further on?" So up to the sixth floor she goes. The sixth floor sign reads:Floor 6 - You are visitor 3,456,789,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at The Husband Store and have a nice day. If mizuki (in blaue rosen) was REAL, as in she, a real human, I'll so willingly become a lesbian with MIZUKI-CHAN. She's THE S*X, SHE'S HOT, She's got the whole package!! SHUT UP CAUSE I HAVE NOT GONE NUTS YET.
4:25 PM, School Is Shit!
WTF! ASSEMBLY SUCK BIG TIME, BIG BIG TIME! Yes, i'm gonna whine here IN MY BLOG! Me and jr got caught TWICE, straight in a row for the past two assemblies. I mean like wtfzomgBBQ la! Stupid MR POTATO, da fan shu in chinese(the new ugleh bastard who catch people during recess dno for WHAT!!?!?) insist that me and jr talk when we NEVER!>!_!_!@)_(@# I think i was talking to myself and POTATO thought that i was TALKING TO JIARONG>_< POTATO:"so you think i'm bluffing issit?" JR*speaking with confidence*:"No you're not, but SERIOUSLY WE WEREN'T TALKING !" -------- 5 seconds of silence------- POTATO *point at me* :"you, sit there." POTATO*point at JR* : "you, sit there" Then we're like, HAHAHA PWNED! Nothing to say.But come on, POTATO, you're fc*king blind. Ouh ya, when did potatoes grow eyes anyways. DAMN YOU, I HATE JOOOO! Okaye, enough with my childish post above, but still, i'm posting bout it ^_^ Music Is My Boyfriend Lyrics My baby is the bang, the boom, the beat Bang, Boom,The beat My baby is the bang, the boom, the beat My boyfriend is music My boyfriend is music Yeah,Music is my boyfriend He never takes the pressure off My boyfriend is music My boyfriend is music Yeah,Music is my boyfriend He never takes the pressure off Na, na, na,Hello The beat says hello He knows I'm gonna follow My headphones are on-a His low wind is thumpin' Just me and him bumpin' The walls they are watchin 'I'm turing red blushin' You know thatI don't need no silly boys I just need my boyfriend I don't need no silly boys I just need my boyfriend Don't you know Don't you know that My boyfriend is bang, the boom, the beat He's beatin' down the door to get to me Yeah music is the shock, the shake, the shit The needle in the groove, the grind, the grit My boyfriend is music My boyfriend is music My boyfriend is music Yeah,Music is my boyfriend He never takes the pressure off My boyfriend is music My boyfriend is music Yeah,Music is my boyfriend He never takes the pressure off Get up to go shower I'm dancing for hours He knows the way I like it He knows just how I want it He sees my hips swayin' The moment beats layin' It's inside my body My boyfriends a hottie You know that I don't need no silly boys I just need my boyfriend I don't need no silly boys I just need my boyfriend Don't you know Don't you know that My boyfriend is bang, the boom, the beat He's beatin' down the door to get to me Yeah music is the shock, the shake, the shit The needle in the groove, the grind, the grit My boyfriend is music He's making me lose itI'll sing along lalalalala My boyfriend is music He's making me lose itI'll sing along lalalalala Lalalalala I'll sing along lalalala My boyfriend is music He's making me lose itI'll sing along lalalala Lalalalala Bang, the boom the beat He's beatin' down the door to get to me You know that he's the shock, the shake, the shit The needle in the groove, the grind, the grit My boyfriend is bang, the boom, the beat He's beatin' down the door to get to me Yeah music is the shock, the shake, the shit The needle in the groove, the grind, the grit My boyfriend is grit My boyfriend is grit My boyfriend is music This song ROCKS ARSE yaw! Hahaha, &Human by skye sweetnam is another nice song :D
Sunday, March 23, 2008
![]() 1.A sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. 2.A sudden burst of energy, activity, or emotion. And i think my picture fits both the above mentioned. I know i'm fugleh but who cares, im entertaining you for once, YOU=the one reading this NOW! ![]() The wonders of PHOTOSHOP CS2!~ Ouh, don't you just love how it works wonders. From a fugleh bitch to a colourful bitch. ![]() FYI: The one on the cover is AKIRA and its a HE. Yes, its a HE and he goes MEOW meow~ KYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH (for the dono how many time but i dont really care) !! >_< Okaye, to hell with the fact that my blog is PINK, and its very pinkish. I didn't want it to be pink but it's STANDARDISED so let's not care bout teal being my FAVOURITE COLOUR NOW.And tada, did you think that im gonna be sucha miser and not buy BLAUE ROSEN 4 at KINO!? YOU'RE WRONG, i bought it today @comic connection!!!!!!!!! Ahahah~ Comics connection is selling it @SGD8.50 and kino is selling at the same price, oh well~~~ But anyway that's not the point, I LOVE BLAUE ROSEN<333. align="center">Nowadays, everytime i have my meals, i willl go : "Itadakimasu!" [ i'm not very sure bout the spelling. ] and then, my parents gave me this face every single time>> and ask me if i'm trying to convert to CHRISTIANITY, IM NOT, HELLO!!! I'm speaking JAPANIS not saying my prayers before meal........ Are they deaf and can't they differentiate japanis from english?! How i love huge blogs <333 & JAPANIS!
3:27 PM, I love J-Pop!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
* I KNOW I LOOK FUGLEH, SO SHUT UP AND KEEP YOUR WHATEVER COMMENTS TO YOURSELF THANKYOUVERYMUCH* I'm sorry for not posting for so long, have been on HOLIC nowadays or the other reason is, Im too tired to blog. >_< At taka: I LOVE KINOKUNIYA BECAUSE ITS SO AWESOME, I LOVEEEE KINO BECAUSE THEY HAVE BLAUE ROSEN EPISODE 4 !!! Its out in kino but not in comics connection. Stupid =.= Oh ya, THERE'S ALOT OF JAPANIS MAGAZINE TOO! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah* Well, guess what? We saw many japanis girls yesterday, in their japanese school uniform. SO KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CAN?! Thats why i <3333333333333>JAPANIS! After our super filling lunch we decided to go heeren, and crap it was raining. So we decided to wait till the rain stops since me and kai were eating our icescream. While licking our icecream(jiarong and brenda keeps stealing our icecream), some random girls approached us to do some survey and hell, the first question was who we think jesus is? A) dono what i cant rmb. B) Normal human C) Madman, and the moment i saw MADMAN, i was LOL-ing so hard can. Hahaha yeah right so logical jesus is a madman. Ya and after that survey since the rain haven't stop, kai told them to continue talking since the rain hasn't stop and hell they kept on talking bout jesus, god and blah. And im sorry but i dont mean to offend, some things they said makes no sense at all =X After the talk, we headed on to heeren, walked around and we saw our fellow schoolmate, dono what name, but i know he's from 3T(i think his name is andy?). The tan and big guy. Anyways, heeren was sooooooo boring s we went on to cine to take NEOS. And on the way, kai stepped on my shoe! It was gonna break soon so we went to get shoes( i noticed that recently whnever i go out, my shoes always SNAP! and i have to get new shoes...interesting...) . After shoe shopping, it was time for NEOS! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and guess what, we saw a whole lot of JAPANIS GIRLS, super kawaiii school uniform and they can actually not tie their hair to school. HELL, they can perm their hair like dolls. *AWWWIE, our schools dont allow, FOOOK!* I got to know this girl called Nako on holic. A local but of japanese blood. I can't wait to meet her up yaw. She's super enthu. Hahaha, very very very very friendly. I guess japanese are all that friendly. =D Hearts, Nako-Chan! & after our j-pop project, i think i love JAPAN! I love JAPANIS. Lols. Kogals are hot, ganguro girls are cute and i think harajuku girls are cool! Alright, my post shall end here, SAYONARA! :D
8:26 PM, &you'll always live in my heart
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Remember how we used to play together in the playground, under our blocks, in class, along the channel. All the time we've spent together, i've never forgotten all these. You were my pillar of strength, you were the one who filled my childhood with colours. Reminiscing your sweet smile, your bubbly self and how clumsy you could get at times. All these will become memories, unforgettable ones. Sometimes, i can't help but start to think, how vulnerable life can be. Life should be cherished and once time pass us by, it will never turn back. Whats done can never be undone, whats lost can never be recovered. How many foolish things i've done, how many opportunities i've lost. Rest In Peace My Dearest Friend, you will always be in my heart. I will never forget you, neither will i forget the times we had together. How much you mean to me, how much you've done for me, how much we've gone through together. You filled up the first chapter of my life. I want to meet you again and i want a friend like you in my next life, if possible.
12:44 AM, .
Sunday, March 2, 2008
NO-PARENTS DAY! (: GIRLFRIEND :D Yellow Smiley Boxers Dude, Benji ! Nice pose huh~ Candid by, yours truly again x3 Evil grin? These pictures speaks. ^_^