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4:24 PM, Happy Birthday To Me (:
Monday, February 25, 2008
These people celebrated my birthday with me yesterday(advance birthday). Billy, shawn, benjamin, colin, weixian, brenda, silvana. First, we headed down to marsiling, wait for sil to finish her tuition and then she came, and we went to city hall. Main purpose was to dine at NEW YORK. Wooohooooo~ ROFL ROFL. Okaye, then we were all dragging our feets around, having no idea where to go...... So, benjamin suggest that we go arcade. And so, we went to arcade, i messed around with the drumset thingy. And guess what, its the first time i actually nearly finish DRAGON BLADE stage and then half way, i got excited, screwed up the whole thing, stage failed T_T Then second time, benji tried dragon blade, he screwed up the whole thing at the beginning, i helped him sustain till around halfway through the song and tada, stage failed again...... And the ironic thing is, benjamin is afraid of ZOMBIES or perhaps those creatures in resident evil, i think its called mutents? Hahahahaha, i was "laughing my ass off" when i asked him to join me in the shooting of zombies game cause he went: dont want i scared siaaaaaa~ Ahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! And yeah, did i forget to mention this? On our way down to marsiling and city hall, everyone was messing around with my shades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL. See all the pictures that i've posted, everyone took pictures EXCEPT ME!??!!? Cause i was too busy taking pictures for them. Hahaha, okaye, back to the point, we played this shooting game thingy. Benji, shawn, billy and me challenged each other. Guess what, SHAWN died first, subsequently its me and 30 secs later, billy died and the ultimate winner, BENJI~ God, i must say this, he can really shoot well =X So, after arcade, billy, sil and shawn had to leave first. Thus, me, bren and benji went to meet colin and had our super early dinner at new york. The best thing in new york is, they have this candy floss making machine and a pool table. What the heck! We were having a blast of a time playing pool and eating candy floss. I wanna play pool with benji again man. Colin was pretty good whereas wei xian and me were pathetic first timers. *Blushes* I suck at pool at the beginning, gradually, i could actually shoot in a straight line or perhaps a pretty smooth ball. Haha. Everyone was so sweet man, i came into class this morning flooded with birthday wishes. Awwwh, 3E2 people, you're all so sweet. Thanks uh. :D Best birthday, haha. Then this morning, i was flooded with birthday wishes from my ex-pri school good friends and cousin. Awwwh, you guys are all so very sweet.
<3 you guys ~ Thanks for everything people. I had an memorable birthday. Ouh btw, jes, jiarong, kai and benji, i found my wallet. It was at the bottom of my bag. Camouflaged. Haha sorry to make y'all worry.
8:59 PM, CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN~ mops and all.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Leona Lewis Live @ BRIT. Leona looks as if she's lip singing, actually she's singing. OFMG, she's just amazing. Her voice, powerful. She's just awwwweeesome! I'm starting to like her and her songs. <33333> WooooooooHooooooo~! I'm in the dance. zOmg.! Ahah, guess what? We're dancing with mops and we're gonna be in OVERALLS.............................. =.= Man, i feel like some bangladeshi workers. LOL! But hmm, on the cheerier note, IM IN THE DANCE & hopefully if i can get my steps and beats right, IMMA PERFORM FOR SPEECH DAY YAW~ * in extreme high spirits* Herm btw, MATHS FOCUS TEST WAS CRAP. TOTAL DISASTER. I lost 9 marks instantly. Well i felt that this paper is quite easy except that i didn't do proper revision. Or else i'd totally pass this paper man. All that was on my mind was DANCE DANCE DANCE~ Ouh yeahs, benji, if you ever read this, PLEASE, do not spar with them. And i'll pray hard for you, i will do what you've requested. So, please, listen to me for once, Never do stupid things like that. But if there's no other way out.. I guess you'll have to take them on. I'll support you no matter what! Trust me, bro. Best is to choose the 2nd path you've told me. I want to see you, my friend, my so-called "brother" in one piece. Its not worth it, for her. You do things like this? Not like she's gonna marry you in future or some shit. After everything's over, you and her will part eventually. Thats the cruel fact. I really want to see you, safe and sound. & hell yeah, i have faith in you. You'll win this match! Rihanna - Umbrella : Live performance at Brits. The lightings and all were fab. The best live performance i've ever seen( in terms of visual effects )
8:52 PM, Procrastinating, for im lazy.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What The HELLLL!!!! This is superrrrrrrrrrrr deee dupeeeeeeeer crazy man. My CMOS is low in batt. WTF WTF. LOL nevermind it can still run since my RAM can still function at a relatively smooth pace. LOLS. Stupid CMOS, out of all time, why must it go flat now. LOUSY COM. BOooooooO~ & miss kay's gonna focus on the part 3 dance, WOOOOOOOOOOPIEEEEEE! Finally, i stand a 30%chance to be in the dance. *prays hard* lols. That bloody arsehole, every morning smile&stares HARD at me but purposely ignore me on msn&stopped smsing..How ironic. To be honest, i feel kinda empty within for the past few days without him crapping with me till past midnight/ ard midnight. Argh. Not that i can't live without him but its just gradually becoming a habit. And when it becomes a habit, he just have to be sucha kuku & do this? I guess he's purposely giving me the cold shoulder. Great, i'll show you what i'm capable of then. I'm not here for your entertainment either, dumbf*k. I actually believed him and his sweet nothings. Hoh, how naive of me. &still counting down, 5more days till my "big" day.
8:13 PM, Everything with a big G.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Its 19th Feb and Lets see.....5 more days to my big day? ... nope... sorry maths fail.. Hmm whats 25 - 19? Ouh 6days. LOL. Sorry for my bad mathematics. Well........I guess i won't be able to convince my dad to get me a DS Lite L.E (black&red) =X before my birthday. Why? Very much Because i failed all my tests except for chem (peanuts) &chinese(lucky) . And not to forget, i'm gonna fail two more today, thats bio and s.s . Weeeee~ Ouh ya i failed my PHYSICS FOCUS TEST By 1 bloody mark. Dumb. Yet to know chemistry marks thanks to the "quite irresponsible" teacher. Yay, i wish brenda can come sleepover with MEH when my parents are not around. Weehee~ *okaye duh~ lamo-lao-lamo* Oooops, i have yet to take picture for my IC. Shiiaaaaaaaaat. &Ouh, went to IMM with bren just now to get my contacts. LOL guess what? I had to do some dumb eye check to get my contacts(actually that guy thought i wanted to make specs) andthat guy or rather the shop keeper asked me to go walk around without my CONTACTS for abt 15mins or so . As i walked out of the shop, i held brenda's arm &kept whining till the 15mins is up: Brenda, now i know how it feels like to be blind cause i'm partially blind. It sucks to be PARTIALLY BLIND AND I CANT SEE ANYTHING CLEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T. Btw, THANKYOU BREN, for being my walking stick for 15mins. :D I feel for people who are blind. They'll never be able to see how beautiful and wonderful this world actually is. Never Ever in their lives, how sad. Good Day. Great People. Grumpy parents
10:41 AM, Speed Test.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
77 words This is some random "see-how-fast-you-can-type" kinda web. It's pretty fun & am trying to break my own record. & btw, GOOD LUCK IN YOUR CAMPCRAFT SHAWN (: Labels: i have a bad feeling abt him.
8:22 PM,
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I LOOK DUMB. T_T Photos we took after mr tan sent us home. JWSS NPCC AIR RIFLE SHOOTING COMPETITION Woke up at 9.07am today & hell i was late for billy's air rifle shooting competition. I promised to go support billy! So, woke up, rushed like crazy and went to bukit gombak alone to meet jiarong and shawn at CDAN( if im not wrong) ,the club. During the competition, i was coughing like an idiot when we're supposed to be keeping quiet. Malu malu. >_< OH YEAH BTW, during the interval, mr tan seng kiong along with 2 other jwss npcc cadets(liyana&charmaine) went to bala's hse to return him sth. Guess what again, HE CAME OUT IN SHORTS. SHORTS~ LMAO. God, i wanna see him in shorts. AHAHA, must be amusing. Okaye, after shopping we head back to the club to get the results. OUR NPCC GIRLS CAME IN 2nd and guys 6th i think. GOOD JOB. And billy, don't be sad. You've done your best! There's always next time. Hmm..Went back in mr tan's car and i found out something. MR TAN IS ACTUALLY SO HIP. He was listening to jay chou and luo zhi xiang's song. He actually sang in the car & dance (hand movements) while driving... Excellent multitask-er. LMAO!!! The rest of us were laughing our arses off. Oops. Didn't expect him to sing. Shawn went: Oh fuck my god. OFMG.! hahahaaha ~
7:18 PM, Dance Dance
Friday, February 15, 2008
A Hectic day. I can't believe it, i came to school late again. Had to run and now my leg muscles HURTS like shit!!. Well, surprise surprise, Mr Wan was replaced! zOmg. Gopal came and kpo, Bala came kpo-ing also. T_T Gopal "interrogated" us. Poor Smitha, got scolded again. Me, gopal did not regconize me despite me being late 2 times. LOL! Luckyyyyyyyylucky. :D Then, there's this stupid total defence thing, all sec3 ppl have to try out the drills & etc. LOL guess what? Shannon(guy) passed all the obstacles and he came back whining: MY LEG HAIR ( wo de jiao mao ) ROFL!!! Aftr school, had focus test. Super dumb, i didn't finish my chem paper. yay im screwed....! After focus test, rush to dance. Had to teach the cute little sec1 juniors. Although some were quite playful but overall, they're all so cute. Better than the previous batch ones, err, like 1000times man! :D Overall, i still can't breathe because of my blocked nose and friggin flu.! HELL. Runny nose. Ahhhhhhh! Oh before i end my post, i would like to THANK KAIXUAN FOR YOUR V.TINES GIFT. KAMELOT LOOKS SO MATURED. :D Labels: i just noticed that he's charming. awwwh~
7:12 PM, Boooowah.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Down with some crazy flu and throat infection. I've been coughing and sneezing. My throat hurts!!!!!! Its so pain that i could bite my tongue off. School is shitty and boring. Bio is top most boring subject, next comes physics that can put me to sleep and then chinese is another killer. Zhu mama just can't stop speaking chimernized china chinese. =.= i know she's from china but yo? Stop it. No one understands your china slangggggg. -.- Hey you biatch, you're so pathetic. Since you're unhappy with me, let me make it clear to you.So please get this right, You're not her only friend ok. SHE'S NOT YOURS,what rights do you have to stop me from going out with her/sticking with her. Stop being so protective over her & she doesn't need your protection. You're not her NANNYY. Lamer, oops i forgot, you mentioned tht you're lame. Well, We merely went out to get presents and you couldn't accompany her so i went with her since we're going to the same place. And FYI, she went home instead of buying presents with us. We had to buy it for her instead. Without asking her and What the hell you got angry with her because of that. Even till the extent of ignoring her. Petty fellow. Ouhfine, then fret not cause i wont touch your "little precious girl" anymore.
5:09 PM, Happy Valentine's Day
It's valentines& i love valentines. ;D LIZA; you're soooo sweet,awwwh~ Your cookies are so exquisite. Love them, love ya. Thanks :D BRENDA; awwwh bren. thanks for the watch :D To the rest; THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR WONDERFUL CARDS & PREZ. HAPPY VALENTINE'S TO ALL (: Ouh, btw, FOCUS TESTS SUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! - THE END - Labels: he's a creep., he's so heartless
8:54 PM, Title-less
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sometimes, i wonder, why do people change that quickly? From friends to enemies. Enemies to friends. It seriously hurts to see your good friends backstab you like this. You don't even have to tell me i already knew that you guys bitched about me. I've already predicted this, from the start of the year. Have you guys ever thought about me? How i felt? I feel like i'm the next eunice. Well you say im dumb, so you think you're that fking great? Have i ever insulted you? I didn't say anything bout your looks and figure ok? Never. And you're saying im a pouser and dumber, THINK ABOUT YOURSELF before you start labelling me. What great friends you guys are, labelling your friend when your friend hates it. Everyone changed ever since we landed in different classes. Its obvious enough that you're taking her side. From jan, we're already drifting apart. Well, i know you guys left me out for that trip to church, i dont know whether it was on purpose or what. So, i guess that means something. I've had enough of all this. When i voiced out my unhappiness, did any of you give a dam to it? Can't we be just be normal good friends who can share weal and woes together? Every single time i have to post something, i have to think twice, afraid that you guys will give insultive remarks. You can say i am dumb enough to not be able to retaliate back but hey, ths isn't what friends are supposed to do. Therefore, i chose not to do it, not that i don't want to defend myself or anything. It's becoming a nightmare to me. 1 has already left hungray-ians, we can't salvage this anymore. I guess its our attitudes towards this relationship that caused us to fall apart. But, i thank you all for being there for me, all the things you've done for me before. I know i'm partly at fault, sorry wy for using nasty words on you. Labels: i owe you nothing now.
12:42 PM, this is called self-appreciation.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
CNY was of NO FUN this year. Suck suck suckkkkkkk! No gambling, no alcohol, no games, no nothing. Boring shit. My cuzzie from m'sia came. Woohoo~ She brought loadsa ang bao for me that my relatives from m'sia gave me and now, i'm busy counting $$$$$ . Hiackhiackhiack~ I got my advance birthday presents from my relatives and cuz. Cuzzie gave me L'Occitane stuff, relatives? Gave me cash. AHAHA~ happy happy. I guess imma post pics in every post to spice things up. Or else it'll be dull i guess. I'm currently hooked onto PARAMORE's songs. <3 &we're all drifting apart. Say hello to the FUTURE and goodbye to the past. Labels: Rewind to the first time that i felt it coming.
7:41 PM, It's CHINESE NEW YEAR...eve =.=
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
YAW WASSUP HOMIES, it's CHINESE NEW YEAR EVE and im posting here... Because CNY eve is boooooooring shit. My motha has been nagging at me for the past 10 hours. Giving me and dadha nasty faces. Hey i mean, come on its CNY eve? Despite all my efforts helping her to iron clothes ( without her asking me to do it ), clean up the living room, set the table for praying, i cant rmb what i've done. Nevermind, FINE. After doing all these, she's still complaining that I sit like a log WHOLE DAY and never do any house chores. I'm like...WOW ARE YOU BLIND? If i never do you think the clothes will be ironed, holy momma, the clothes will go: WOOO ITS SO FUN , I'M IRONING MYSELF, i'm INDEPENDANT MAN. =.= what teh shiat. Supposed to go chinatown to see firecrackers and now this. F*ck. Labels: God Damn, it's momma.
4:44 PM, pixies!
Friday, February 1, 2008
After a long and tiring day( 40% fun, 60%worn-out), i'm actually still blogging! YAY!! Hmm, i got back my pathetic little physics test and guess what, nearly half the class failed, and i'm one of the FAILURES. Bwahahah~11/30. How ridiculous huh. But goooooood news cause our chem was good. :D So no worries, for now. After school, went to frontier library to retrieve kai's little wallet cause she left it behind yesterday. Then head back to school, studied a little and our little focus test commenced. I was struggling like @($*@#)_@(# because of the short time limit for that stupid maths paper and expect us to complete + check our papers? RETARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Well anyways, ITS ONLY THE START OF THE YEAR, for god sake. Every week 1 focus test is toooooooooo dam much. We're not even taking O levels, WE'RE JUST LITTLE SEC 3 STUDENTS! Pity us before our brains are all too overloaded for O level. =.= 2 days back:3oth jan o8 We(the little pee-ers ) went to JP to get some stuff for class notice board and headed down to frontier library, FOR slacking!!!!. :D:D:D LOL LOL LOL! Had a great time there, and took loadsa picchas! That's what you call SLACKING right? LMAO. Here's the Little Pee-ers Pictures. Squidging Eyes, this is TEEN-hood, dear friend. What do you call that? A PUFFER-HUMAN. Please visualize what kai is doing underneath her report book. :D &i look like im smiling, NOT. Behind the scenes, Hilmi and me! :D LOL. Look at kai's long long nose ! Here's our cute little kaixun.LOL. smile until face deform. And, not forgetting our dearest joker, PINK! LOL =X His father is blue, mother is light red. Mix them tgt and you get PINK! Labels: Notice that i use alot of 'LITTLE' word. |