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8:46 PM, Ouh Tired.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Recently haven't been posting much. So i guess i'mma not able to post sooo much since exams are just round the corner? I guess everyone's super stressed up now but not matter what, i just don't understand why some people have to put it in a way that by PRESENTING yourself as a STRESSED UP character, you'll gain people's sympathy or some shit. Hey, no matter how frreaking stressed you are, try not to make people around you stressed up too by see-ing your STRESSED FACE and your dull emotions. Purely DEAD. You're just trying to make the whole world sink into depression or something like that? So what if you're very stressed? Others are stressed too. Just that most of them refrain themselves from showing it and making others unhappy. MAKE PEOPLE AROUND YOU FEEL GOOD, not vice versa.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I'm posting again, the second time in a day. I feel like voicing out my thought about culture. Here it goes(: WEARING GOTH DOESN'T MAKE YOU A GOTH, you chav. :D WEARING PUNKishly/ LISTENING TO PUNKROCK, METALLIC,HARDCORE MUSIC DOES NOT MAKE YOU A PUNK. drill it in your head :D I LOVE COSPLAY, CROSS DRESSINGS but that DOES NOT make me COOL. It's just my interest and im into that fashion. I don't intend to seek attention like that and i don't go around telling people IM A COSPLAY COOL DUDETTE OR SOME SHITTO. UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE WHO CALLS THEMSELVES GOTHIC LOLITA or PUNK dudes. PLEASE, GET A LIFE!! Real people don't need labels.
8:26 PM, IHATEYOU IHATEYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey bi*** , have you got ANY idea how much i hate you? How i wish i could get it off my chest by TELLING you how much of a *TOOOOOOT* you are[ like what sharon did to grace just now ] You're sucha hypocrite. You said you didnt wanna get in, but still you tried all means to get into the _____ . I don't know whether you bribed the exco people or just purely cause your relationship with them is sooooo goooood. Having backups ain't the current TREND. PLEASE. EEEW, how *tooot* can you get. Trying to seek attention from guys. OH you mother tooooot. I am trying so hard not to speak ill of you& any vulgarities on my blog, but i can't stand it anymore. I know i'm polluting my blog. But i'm sooo sorry to say for 2 years, you have been a b**** and behaving sl***ishly. Don't you find yourself disgusting? Gees. Nevermind, i'll work my way into it no matter how slim the chances are. I practise very hard unlike some !(#*@#&*!)@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're sucha hypocrite, *** No wonder all your friends left you. I feel sorry for you. But i so very HATE you. &you are the only one that i hate SO much!
8:09 PM, Movie Week
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I've been wanting to catch alot of movies lately. 881, rush hour3, waiting for ratatouille, hairspray... Blabla. Many MORE! Watched rush hour3 with kai&bren! Omg it's freaking FUNNNNehhhhh! CHRIS TUCKER IS FREAKINGGGG PORN. MOTHER F***** TOOOOOT. HAHAHA! "ouh blackies cann fly" in the end when he was falling off the paris highest tower he shouted" blackkkkies CANNNT FLY!!!!" ROFL. SHITTO he is the CENTURY'S FUNNIEST MAN! Geees, I RECOMMEND RUSH HOUR 3. Rating= 5 stars! FRIGGIN FUNNY and the stunts are really WOOOOOOOSH! I LOVE CHRIS TUCKER, GEEES! He's the MAN!
7:58 PM, Poems Time!
One day I wrote her name on the sand, but came the waves and washed it away. The next day I wrote her name on the sky, but came the wind and blew it away. Then I wrote her name on a wood, But came the termites and bit it away. So I wrote her name in my heart, That is the place that it will stay forever. By:Griff Sweet poem eys. Yeah but i think i could do better . ROFL xD Termites sound very UN-SWEET. (: Check this song out! NICEE :D
Monday, August 20, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEARest LIZA SAYANGS.! ❤ I'm sorry that i did not get to celebrate your birthday with you, But, You still owe me an outing, i'll make it up to you then!
10:20 PM, DooooooooDe!
On kai's request, i shall post. :D Shiatto, mondays alwaysss SUCK!!! Urgh. After recess, me`kai`wanying & sil were happily goooofing away on the way back to class. Then all of a sudden, sil or kai (i couldnt rmb who.) started the pushing thing. Childish right they all? PLEASE SAY THEY ARE. :D:D:D Well, then i got hit in between my ahem. Painful shittos. GAHR! Freak la. Then wanying was another victim. Ouhh poooor her. Soon, kai went berserk and started singing:'' Ni Zhuang Wo, Wo zhuang ni" and went around Banging people. Fretto, i nearly fell then a voice appeared from nowhere" GIRLS! COME HERE!" Our first reaction was,:"PIANG EY, ZAO AHR!!" Hah, i ran like siao and there came aziz chasing after us. Asking all the girls to come down. Ouhh oh.. Die, Mati, whatever i can think of. PUNDEK! LOL. After much @(#*@*^!@ by that idiot, all 4 of us were punished. Not like we're the ONLY one laughing. People infront were pulling kimtai's shorts. Wtf? So we're the victim. Walked up and down the stairs like stupid idiots. And i turned into a one-eyed cyclop while running up and down. Guess i've to get a haircut soon. Yes i know mr lim will be super glad to hear this. Punishments over, went back to class. Another lecturing by mdm kalai. The class was standing and writing" I will respect my teacher and blablabla from now onwards." ROFL? my..god. Mdm kalai's SO SO LAME. Ayyyooo.... I think she's trying to waste time. Nothing to teach ma. Went back home straight after school,
Then slept like a pig; OinkOink (:
10:25 AM, Wake up.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I stayed up late yesterday night, thinking how we could solve the problem between us. I guess both of us should stop being drama babys. Why let this small little problem come between us. Isn't friendship supposed to be strong and bonded? Though sometimes i understand that you're being leftout. But think about us, when you and zhiguang ++ shared jokes that happened in your class, did any of you bothered to tell us when we asked. But that's okaye. Friends sometimes can't share everything with you. I understand that. I accomodate my friends. Trying to be the best to match up to their every demand. But hey, i have my flaws too. Everyone have theirs. I remembered i said i was antisocial, but many a times, i added the phrase" to some people/to certain extent". When we said we were antisocial, we didn't do it in a serious way, so this gives me&the others a image that it's all play. Life's short, why let this little disagreement between us affect our relationship? We're all now more matured, let's just not be childish babys, Could we start all over again? When you said you were some noobshyt stuff, i was thinking, hey it's not that. It's just that you're keeping everything to yourself, we're friends, hey when you're feeling down or what, tell me bout it. I'm here for you. I don't know how you'll feel. If you're unhappy bout my attitude or what, tell me. Let's not fight. All this while, we're just being too tensed. We should just let it go. Remember what you told me, no matter what comes between us, we'll be able to sort things out. Stop saying that you'll never make a good friend, in my heart, you're a good friend anyone could have ever wished for. It's just that i think, you're too stressed up. I apologize for fighting with you. I shouldn't have been so baby and look at it more positively. I should've understand your situation. Labels: Girl, i'm very sorry for what i've done. Let's get back to where we were. Although it won't be the same anymore, Still, i hope you'll just forget about everything And be friends once again. Once again, i'm sorry.
3:21 PM, Laidback.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Good friends are hard to come-by. Best friends are even harder to find. I do appreciate my friends and tried salvaging our relationship even if it's gonna break apart. I'm always the one giving in. Why? Having best friends means protecting them, encouraging them and not embarrassing them by posting their names and stuffs on blogs, displaying it to everyone. Neither do they critisize them, ruining their whole day. This is something personal. Though i know you have all the rights to do it, but please i'm a human here. Think about how i'll feel. Thats why i'm not posting your name here as i know how it feels to let everyone know who you are. I hope you'll understand. I only wish to let them become friends. I did all i could, not only to let the blame be on me, but also to maintain our relationship. Can't you understand? How much it hurts to be in this situation just because of you. Is it just you yourself and you? Try opening up to people, dear. I know you're anti-social but just try to adapt. Tell me when feel awkward. Tell me in person. You said i didn't bother to view your blog. I didn't even have the time to online or switch on the com. When i wanted to explain, you guys always say it's just an excuse. Well what could i say? I didn't even have a chance to explain. Friends don't use harsh words on each other. When i tried to drop the matter, tried to apologize, you said that a lil spark starts a fire. Fire don't put out easily. So are you the only one that's upset. Am i not? How much it hurts to see those words. Yes, i'm always putting on a brave front. How many times have you seen me cry? When i cry, it means that its beyond how much i could put up with. It has gone over the limit. I guess it takes time for you&me to cool down. But still i'm sorry. And i think im not the only one at fault. I understand that we're different class and some things we won't be sharing some happenings and stuffs but please, forgive and forget. Even at times, jokes and stuffs that happened in your class, i asked you, you didn't bother to tell me too. You could've asked someone else if i wasn't paying attention to you. Why am i being blamed for everything? Please, be fair to me. For this time, i'm sorry for not knowing that you wanted to be alone with me. I'm sorry for everything i've did. Could you just let it go.? ; Not only you cried, i did too. And not only once. At least you have someone to pour out your unhappiness with. Who was there for me when i was feeling down?
2:59 PM, pic-chaz~
![]() ^ first boyish pic of mine. (actually it wasnt really that boyish. just that i was cross dressing on that day. ) & kai said that i look like L? nah, i dont think so :) ![]() After a whole load of make-up by m.a.c makeup artistes. [didn't want to waste it, took the chance to hav few more snaps :D ] *some pics were not put up as i feel that they look weird w/o editing. WHEN'S MY PHOTOSHOP CD COMING?!?! omg.* All photos were taken during my trip in K.L (: I guess people enjoy looking at pics than reading posts. So, I SHALL POST MORE PICTURES from now on instead of flooding my blog with a whole load of junk. :D
10:07 PM, New Skin!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
weee~ New skin. i love it. The guy on the background is handsome ain't he. ROFL xD Yes, i'm officially in the SINGLES CLUB. And i shall stay single. Leader? Kai of course. The violent and scarryyyyy one. It's like if we break one rule, our heads' gonna roll. Creeeppy Creeeeeeepy. Yeap, so hmm, Our class Blog is offically UP! So guys, VISIT IT >>> Had a fight with jes yestd. Yeahs im still not over it as she is not totally over it. It's kinda like FLAMING me or some shit. So nevermind i wont care, harms my health. As my mum always says: It's better to give in to others than people giving in to me. ( some kindeh buddhism's theory) Will post again some time. I'm enjoying my daily chat with him. Funny guy. (: LABELS: Try to open up to people before feeling for others. |